
Before I take my last breath,
before I cry out in vain,
before I heave in death,

I want to live, I want to love, I want to be,

in this world of darkness,
in this world of pain,
in this world of hardness,

with someone, who realises that I am the one she longs for,
with someone, who cherishes our mutual trust,
with someone, who I realise is the one I long for,

so that I understand,
so that I know,
so that I comprehend,

who I am, who I want to be, who I could be,

making the details vast,
making my love grow,
making the moments last.

Icon to separate the parts of the poem

When I laugh,
when I cry,
when I am silent

I am on my journey to you, to me, to life

on an unknown, changing route.